Dear Fair Patron:
The Crawford County Fair Association is raising funds to replace the iconic west
grandstand facility originally constructed in the 1930’s. The Fair Board has set an
ambitious goal of $300,000 by the year 2020. This two-year time horizon allows us
to work with all government, local companies, and private citizens who have an
interest in making one-time or multi-year funding commitments.
501(c)(3) Tax Advantage
The CCFA recently established a formal relationship with the Community
Foundation of Southeast Kansas. This has allowed organizations and individuals
who donate to the Fair to receive 501(c)(3) tax benefits. For example, the Skubitz
Foundation provided $45,000 to this fund in 2017 to help make a new Angels Events
Center possible. The Girard Area Community Foundation provided a $5,000 match
grant for completion of a new covered pavilion in 2018. Crawford County Farm
Bureau Members contributed $40,000 to the livestock barn expansion. Supporting
infrastructure and facilities are now in place. It is time to turn our attention to the
Contributions may be made in any amount. Please make checks payable to: The
Community Foundation of SEK/CCFA
On line donations:
*For more information: Robert K. Tersinar CCFA Treasurer (620) 238-4548